• Variety Show Variety Show Graphic


    Event Description: Park School students are all invited to show off their talents on this special night of stars (see this year's show date below). Past performances have included singers, dancers, comedy skits, gymnastics and tae kwon do demonstrations, piano solos, bands and magic. All acts are included in the show, provided registration forms are submitted on-time and all rehearsals are attended. There is a time limitation on acts (1 minute for solos, 90 seconds for groups).
    Application Link:
    Please head to ParentSquare.com for application link.
    How to Participate:
    • Individual Acts: Acts may be one student or a group of students. Each student must fill out an entry form and submit by the deadline (sign up form and deadline below). We strongly encourage kids to group with their friends whenever possible to make the show's duration more manageable.
    • Group Act: A great way to participate if you don't want to do your own act! Dance Teacher, Alan Scofield choreographs a high energy dance performance for all interested students. Three or four group rehearsals are scheduled prior to the show, usually in the morning before school begins. Please fill out an entry form (see below) to participate in the group act..
    • Watching the Show: You will be able to purchase tickets here in January. Stay tuned.




    Event Date Location Links
    Sign Up Form
    Due: January 10, 2020 @ 5:00pm
    Auditions Wednesday and Thursday, January 15 and 16, 3:00-5:00pm, specific times and dates to be assigned Auditorium  
    Thursday, January 23th , 3:00-6:00pm
    Dress Rehearsal
    Friday, January 31st, 2020
    Variety Show
    Saturday, February 1, 2020
    Grade K-2 Show: 3 pm
    Grade 3-5 Show: 5 pm 

    Volunteering: The Variety Show needs many volunteers to help with assisting students during Auditions and Rehearsals. Volunteers are also needed to help with various jobs on the night of the Variety Show.  Please visit ParentSquare.com to volunteer.





    Name Position Email
    Heather Mathews
    Molly Baker
    Elke Bray
    Jesse Rice
    Variety Show Co-Chairs