• Oceans Month Oceans Graphic


    Event Description: Every March, Park School conducts a month long, in-depth study of one of Earth's most amazing features, the Ocean. For over twenty-five years, Park School has engaged in this cross-curricular, project-based learning experience that brings to life the wonders and beauty of our magnificent ocean and is based on the curriculum, scope, and sequence of UC Berkeley's Lawrence Hall of Science M.A.R.E. program. The curriculum addresses standards in Earth, physical and life science, as well as inquiry, language arts, environmental issues, art and music. Each grade level focuses on a different marine habitat. As students progress through the years, they build upon concepts and processes learned in previous years. By the end of 5th Grade, students have acquired a comprehensive understanding of the scientific concepts related to ocean life. The Park School PTA takes a lead role in providing support and resources for the Oceans Program. Oceans Month is capped off with a school-wide Oceans Assembly, which features each class performing a musical number with the amazing and talented Banana Slugs String Band.


    Grade and Habitat Studied:
    • Kindergarten: Ocean
    • 1st Grade: Tide Pools
    • 2nd Grade: Coral Reef
    • 3rd Grade: Wetlands
    • 4th Grade: Kelp Forest
    • 5th Grade: Open Ocean




    Event Date Location Links
    Oceans Class Activities Throughout March Classroom or Field Trips  
    Oceans Assembly March 23, 2018, 10:45 am Auditorium Oceans Assembly Album





    Name Position Email

     Tiffany Yelverton

    Rhian Gracey

    PTA Oceans Committee Co-Chairs

    Tiffany Yelverton

    Rhian Gracey