• Our VIsit to Jones Valley Teaching Farm

    Posted by HEATHER BROWN on 3/12/2020

    Our team had the amazing opportunity to receive professional development hosted by the wonderful staff at Jones Valley Teaching Farm.  JVTF is a PRE-K12 non-profit in Birmingham that implements a hands-on food education program, Good School Food, through teaching farms they have built at schools across the city.

    We were able to see students in action as they experienced engaging, cross-curricular, standards-based lessons that helped them explore through food, farming, and culinary arts.

    Our day began at the main office where we learned more about the mission and vision of JVTF, as well as the history of how they came about and how they use food as a platform for learning and leading.

    Our first stop was Hayes K-8 School, where we observed an interactive 4th-grade lesson ______.  Farmer Fernando set up stations around the room to display the difference in energy types. This lesson focused on how we use energy to cook, and it helped students make connections between engery and common kitchen gadgets. During this lesson, students actively partipated through discussions and hands-on activites.


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  • Chief Life Lab

    Posted by MELISSA (MISSY) BROOKS on 3/2/2020
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