• Math Tips

    Utilize worksheets- There are various websites on the Internet that offer free addition/subtraction fact worksheets to print at home. You can use these, or even make your own. The goal is to help the child become extremely familiar with the facts, and worksheets are very good for this. To get a true sense of how well your child is progressing with their facts, sit with them and watch as they complete the worksheets. If it seems they are struggling or counting on their fingers for every answer, you may want to back up and focus on easier addition facts first. If, on the other hand, your child is sailing through the worksheet and jotting answers quickly, it's probably time to move on to the next set of facts.


    Grab a box of flashcards - Flashcards can be such a great tool when helping children to practice and memorize their addition facts. Flash cards are especially good for those kids who don't have much trouble learning the information, but who hate to write. Some kids look at a worksheet and groan simply because they feel overwhelmed with the amount of writing that is involved. Using flashcards however, allows them to call out their addition facts quickly without any pressure to write.


    Practice, practice, practice - It is not necessary to overwhelm a child with large amounts of work in order to help them to memorize their addition facts. However, it is essential that they have the material presented to them consistently. Don't add stress by rushing them to memorize their facts.  Instead, introduce facts consistently so they will have plenty of time to practice.