

    When children are absent for any reason, a written excuse should be sent to school within three days. You can send this in your child’s Take-Home folder or email BWF Absences at  bwfabsences@mtnbrook.k12.al.us
    If you have any questions about absences, you can contact Margie Seeger at the front desk.



    Parents are welcome to send a birthday treat to school for their child’s class. Please contact your child’s teacher to find the best time to share it. Children may hand out birthday party invitations if the entire class is invited, boys invite all boys, or girls invite all the girls,etc.


    Nightly Take Home Folders

    Children should bring their Take-Home Folder to school every day. The Folder will be used to carry home notes, information and daily work. Please check the folder each evening for information, homework, and take out papers, etc. so folder will be ready to go the next day.



    Please send a nutritious snack/water with your child each day. The children need this to maintain focus and energy throughout the day.