
    • YouTube Videos for Instruction Blocked, but Can be Unblocked


    TEACHERS . . . 

      • YouTube recently updated their video rating system thus forcing MBS to update their filtering systems.  YouTube channel managers are now tasked with updating their video rating settings.  In the meantime, teachers are noticing YouTube videos that were previously accessible are now blocked.  This is temporary.  The fix for this is:
        1. Be sure to preview YouTube videos you want to share with students ahead of time (on our network using your account) to see if they are blocked.
        2. Submit any blocked videos to this form to have them unblocked. (Please do an IT to let me know you’ve submitted so I don’t miss it.)


      • YouTube videos that are not blocked on your MBS account need not be submitted.  Only YouTube videos you wish to show for students that are currently blocked on a TEACHER account need submitting.  Please submit in advance as this will be handled much like the IT Direct Ticket System.  A Coordinator has to go in and unblock each video manually, it is not automatic.  YouTube is and will remain blocked for our students.