• We will be 1-1 with student Chromebooks this coming fall in multiple grade levels, so we no longer need devices on a mobile cart in the classroom since they do not have to be shared between classes. Also since mobile carts can cost around $1500.00, a classroom solution would be more affordable. 

    You may want to consider purchasing with your classroom money, a counter-top charging solutions.

    Below are some options for counter top charging solutions for Chromebooks (& iPads can fit in these as well):

    • File organizers and surge protectors as a cheap but neat solution: $8.00 each + surge protector cost

    wire rack

    • Steelmaster racks and surge protectors as a sturdy solution: $30.00 each + surge protector cost

    steel rack

    • Charging trays. $150.00 each. The surge protectors are built in to this option, but if you have to plug in more than one charging tray in to an outlet, you will need one surge protector in order to plug in your multiple trays.

    charging tray

    paper rack

    With all of these options, you will need to make sure you have enough new surge protectors to be able to plug them all in safely. You can get with our CES Bookkeeper, Denise to order Surge protectors for you (& charge them to your school credit card) to make sure you get the ones with right joules so you don’t blow the circuits or damage devices.

    picture of surge protector

    Don’t forget, Velcro is your friend. If you put a bunch of charging cables anywhere, they will be ugly unless you Velcro them. ($8.00)
