Hi! My name is Robin Dahl, and I am one of the Middle School Resource Language Arts teachers, and I coteach in 6th and 7th grade Language Arts. I am married to Randal, and we have three wonderful children. Grace is a Senior at MFHS, Isabel is an ninth grader at MFHS, and Nick is a seventh grader at MFMS. This is my second year as a teacher in the district. Before I graduated college from UT Arlington, I served as a medic in the United States Army. My first teaching job was in Dallas nineteen years ago. I taught high school English for two years and then stayed at home with my children for fourteen years. Before my time at MFMS, I taught Pre-K at Bluebonnet Methodist Preschool for 3 years, and I taught Speech and 10th Grade English at Faith Academy in Marble Falls. I have loved my time at MFISD, and I am excited to be here another year! If you have any questions or concerns, or if I can help you in any way, please feel free to contact me via email (rdahl@mfisd.txed.net) or call me during my conference time (10:40-11:20).