LUDLOW PUBLIC SCHOOLS | 205 FULLER STREET | LUDLOW, MA 01056 | PHONE 413-583-8372 Ext 1206 | FAX 413-589-0773
Title I, IIA, & IVA
Federal Entitlement Grants supplement the cost of various of educational needs. The funding formula that establishes each district's allocation is based on the socio-economics of the city or town. Private school allocations are awarded based on student enrollment, economic need, and declared interest from each private school.
Title I - Funds are targeted K-5 with a focus on tiered support in English language arts and mathematics. LPS funding is supplemented by Title I to support: salary off-sets, school year tutorial and after school services, extended school year tutorial, professional development, and curriculum supplies and materials.
Title IIA - Funds are intended to supplement Teacher Quality activities including: coaching, professional development and mentorship (state requirement) of new teachers.
Title III - Funds are targeted to supplement English Language Learners (ELLs). FY23 is the first year the LPS will receive it's own Title III allocation. From FY18-FY22 LPS received funding through the Collaborative for Educational Services (CES) in Northampton because our ELL student enrollment was under 100 across the district.
Title IVA - Funds are intended to supplement Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) and Technology.
Other Grants
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction annually seeks out a variety of potential grants, large and small, to offset the costs to the local budget. The following grants have been awarded to LPS's Office of Curriculum and Instruction:
Early Education & Care
FC 237 - Coordinated Family & Community Engagement (CFCE-Pathways for Parents) - $103,645
FC 239 - Parent Child + (PCHP/PC+) - $58,262
MA Department of Elementary & Secondary Education
FC 117 - Student Opportunity Act (SOA) - April 2021- June 30, 20201 - $49,404
Student Opportunity Act (SOA) - July 1, 2021 - August 30, 2021 - $49,846
Accelerated Math Grant (2)
$20,022 Eureka Math Texts; $7,000 STMath
Department of Public Health (DPH)
Comprehensive School Health Services - $100,000
Early Education & Care
Extension Grant - $25,000
Pending Grant Applications:
No pending grants at this time