- Departments
- Superintendent
- Business Services
- Personnel Services
- Educational Services
- California State Standards
- Character Education
- Current Textbook Adoptions
- Single Plan for Student Achievement
- School Accountability Report Cards
- English Language Learner
- Title I
- Parent Resources
- Preschool
- PowerSource
- Title IX
- Interdistrict Forms
- Expanded Learning Opportunities
- Contacts
- Archived Ed Services Documents
- Special Education
- Facilities and Operation Services
- Health Services
- Nutrition Services
- Technology Services
- Citizens Bond Oversight Committee
- Staff Directory
Jim Coombs
Superintendent of Schools
Email: jcoombs@ljsd.org
Phone: (562) 902-4200
MJ Evanoff
Executive Assistant to Superintendent/Certificated Personnel
Email: mevanoff@ljsd.org
Phone: (562) 902-4203