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Health Services
On June 30, 2015, Governor Brown signed Senate Bill 277. This bill amends the Health and Safety Code pertaining to school immunizations. Effective January 1, 2016, SB 277 will no longer permit immunization exemptions (waivers) based on personal or religious beliefs for children in child care, public and private schools. For further information on this new law, please go to www.shotsforschool.org
Personal belief exemptions (waivers) submitted before January 1, 2016 will remain valid until a student reaches the next grade span, such as the transition from preschool to TK/Kindergarten or from 6th grade to 7th grade. Therefore, when a student moves from preschool to TK/Kindergarten or from 6th grade to 7th grade, the student will be required to be immunized for his or her age to be admitted or advanced in school.
Trisha Gonzalez
School Nurse
Email: tgonzalez@ljsd.org
Phone: (562) 902-4217
Annalisa Francis
Nurse Assistant
Email: afrancis@ljsd.org
Phone: (562) 902-4217
Monica Avila
Nurse Assistant
Email: mavila@ljsd.org
Phone: (562) 902-4227