Environmental School
1800 Lakeshore Dr | La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603 | 608-789-7980 | Fax: 608-789-7175 | School Hours: 8am - 2:40pm | Supervision Starts: 7:45am



The mission of Summit Environmental School is to provide students with a solid educational foundation in the core academic areas with an environmental focus integrated throughout the curriculum.  



    • Students need a strong foundation in the basics of reading, writing, math & science.
    • By integrating environmental concepts throughout the curriculum students will gain an in-depth understanding of the interrelationship between natural systems and people.
    • Experiential hands-on learning provides students with the opportunity for discovery and authentic learning.
    • The outdoor environmental zones give students first hand experiences in natural environments.
    • Our school’s safe and nurturing environment will empower students to grow into productive, contributing citizens



Summit Environmental School students will:

    • demonstrate an understanding of the natural environment and the interrelationship among natural systems and people
    • develop an understanding and commitment to environmental stewardship
    • be able to identify, investigate and evaluate environmental problems and issues, be able to communicate this understanding to others, and use this information as they become active citizens
    • develop an understanding and appreciation of the many different recreational activities that exist in the natural environment and how their recreational activities impact environmental systems.



In order to create a quality educational experience for all students, we believe it is important to provide opportunities for students to:

    • routinely reflect on the quality of their own work and on the appropriateness of their own behavior
    • experience hands-on activities and to be active participants in their learning
    • work cooperatively with each other to solve problems and learn from one another
    • take responsibility for their own learning and the learning of others
    • develop pride in their work, pride in their school, and pride in the contributions to others
    • demonstrate application and transfer of knowledge to problem solve
    • see the inter-relationships between subject areas through thematic teaching practices
    • acquire appropriate social skills such as being respectful of individual differences
    • clearly understand parent and teacher expectations
    • to have some choices in what they study, and in how to demonstrate their learning