Elementary School
Welcome to Emerson Elementary!
Our mission at Emerson Elementary is to educate children in partnership with the family and the community so that students develop independence and responsibility for their own learning. We strive to provide a caring, nurturing, and positive environment that allows all children to develop their unique talents and abilities to be successful in life, as well as helpful citizens to others.
The Office
Multi-Cultural Liasions
School Health
School Nutrition Services
Student Services
Emerson Library
Student Life
Student Enrollment
School Menus
Bus Routes
Activities & Athletics
Community Events
Food Pantry
Donations & Fundraisers
Membership Form
PTO Meeting Minutes
Volunteer Opportunities
Elementary Schools
Coulee Montessori
Coulee Region Virtual Academy
Emerson Elementary
Hamilton Elementary
Hintgen Elementary
Northside Elementary
North Woods International
School of Technology & Arts
Southern Bluffs Elementary
Spence Elementary
State Road Elementary
Summit Environmental School
Middle Schools
Coulee Montessori Adolescent
Coulee Region Virtual Academy
La Crosse Polytechnic School
Lincoln Middle School
Logan Middle School
Longfellow Middle School
School of Technology & Arts II
High Schools
Central High School
Coulee Region Virtual Academy
La Crosse Polytechnic School
Logan High School
Architecture Construction & Engineering Academy
eScholars Online Learning Program
La Crosse Engineering Academy
La Crosse Health Science Academy
2101 Campbell Rd. | La Crosse, WI 54601 | 608-789-7990 | Fax: 608-789-7171
Food Pantry
School Connections
Skyward Access
Canvas Students & Staff
School Documents
Staff Directory
Tech Support
Anonymous Tip Report
Activity Calendar
Staff Portal
Staff Login
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