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Enrollment / Choice
2024-25 Kindergarten Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions:
- How old do children need to be to attend kindergarten in Idaho? A child must be age 5 on or before Sept. 1
- Is kindergarten full-time or half-time? Kindergarten is full-time in the Kuna School District
- Can we visit the school? Yes! Elementary school will host events on April 17. (Details below.) Can't make it? Contact the school
- How do I enroll? Please use the link below.
- Is there a calendar for 2024-25? Yes, it is available here. The first day of school is Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024.
Incoming Kindergarten Event April 17, 2024
Elementary schools are welcoming their new kindergartners on Wednesday, April 17! Details below:
- Crimson Point Elementary - Event will be from 2 to 6 p.m. call 1.208.955-0230 for more information
- Hubbard Elementary - Drop-in from 2 to 6 p.m. Tour the school, meet kindergarten teachers and other staff, do an activity in a kindergarten classroom.
- Indian Creek Elementary - Event will be from 2 to 6 p.m. Please sign up in advance: https://www.signupgenius.com/
go/409094FADAA23A5F85- 48142331-kindergarten#/
- Reed Elementary - Event will be from 2 to 7 p.m. Please sign up in advance using the links below. Note: Reed offers two kindergarten programs: General and dual language (students learn in English/Spanish). Call 1.208.955-0275. Sign up links:
Kinder Gen ed sign up - https://www.signupgenius.
com/go/10C094BA9AD2DA2FCC07- 47963473-kindergarten - Dual Language sign up - https://www.signupgenius.
com/go/10C094BA9AD2DA2FCC07- 47963433-dual
- Ross Elementary - This school only serves grades 4-5
- Silver Trail Elementary - Event will be from 2 to 6 p.m. call 1.208.472.9731 for more information.
➡️ 2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
This is for students enrolling for 2024-25 school year that begins Aug. 22, 2024
Step 1: Create an account in the Student Enrollment system (this is separate from the "PowerSchool" system, and requires a separate sign-in.)
English: New Student Enrollment LinkStep 2: Complete the online enrollment form for 2024-25.
Step 3: The online enrollment form allows you to upload digital copies of the following forms:
- An original or certified copy of your child's birth certificate
- Immunization records with proof of required immunizations
- Proof of address (phone bill, utility bill, or signed rental agreement)
- Legal documentation specifying custody agreements (when appropriate)
If you were not able to upload electronic copies of the documents, you can bring them to the school.
Step 4: Check your school's website for details on the Incoming Kindergarten Open House scheduled for April 17. Check school websites in August 2024 for back-to-school information.
➡️ 2023-24 Kindergarten Registration
This 2023-24 kindergarten registration information -- This is the current school year under way now and scheduled to end May 30, 2024. If you want to enroll for 2024-25, please use the other link on this page.
To enroll:
Step 1: Create a parent account in our student information system, "PowerSchool" using these links:
English: New Student Enrollment LinkStep 2: Complete the online enrollment forms.
Step 3: The online enrollment form allows you to upload digital copies of the following forms:
- An original or certified copy of your child's birth certificate
- Immunization records with proof of required immunizations
- Proof of address (phone bill, utility bill, or signed rental agreement)
- Legal documentation specifying custody agreements (when appropriate)
If you were not able to upload electronic copies of the documents, you can bring them to the school
Step 4: Check with school