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Dual Language Program

The vision of the Kuna School District Dual Language Program is to empower lifelong bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural leaders and learners who will excel in career and life opportunities using Spanish and English.
The Dual Language Program is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and collaborative environment where each Dual Language student is given the opportunity to learn and grow to their highest potential. Students will speak, read and write in both English and Spanish, while developing a multicultural awareness for our global society.
Students in kindergarten through 12th grade learn the same Kuna School District core curriculum as other students and take the same assessments. Students will learn content and complete assignments in both Spanish and English.
K-5 Dual Language Program based at Reed Elementary School
Students in grades kindergarten through fifth grade learn the same Kuna School District core curriculum as other students and take the same assessments. Students in grades K through 5 learn content and complete assignments in both Spanish and English.
How to choose this program: Choices are made in the spring. Newcomers to Kuna should contact Reed Principal Kevin Gifford.
Grade 6-8 Puentes Dual Language Program based at Kuna Middle School
Puentes means Bridge. The Middle School Dual Language Program is designed to be a bridge between the elementary Dual Language Program and High School Opportunities. The Middle School Dual Language Program will promote bilingual skills in an academic and social setting while preparing students to perform at their highest potential and be prepared to achieve academically in two languages.
During the middle school years, students in the Dual Language program take some core classes in Spanish. They begin to use their Spanish skills to learn more advanced academic vocabulary. They also participate in community service projects through their advisory classes, which allow them to use their Spanish skills in a variety of ways in the community. Career education through Bilingual speakers from the community is integrated into the core classes taught in Spanish.The chart below shows which core classes are taught in Spanish in 6th, 7th and 8th grades:
Grade 6 | Grade 7 | Grade 8 |
Language Arts 6 | Language Arts 7 | Earth Science 8 (1 Semester) |
World History 6 | Advisory | US History 8 (1 Semester) |
- | - | Advisory |
*Based on student enrollment and the ability to hire qualified teachers, this course pattern could change. KSD is committed to the long term success of this program and hiring outstanding, innovative teachers to contribute to the course options as we have openings.
9-12 High School Dual Language Program offered at Kuna High School
Kuna High School Dual Language students will continue communicating and interacting bilingually while developing an appreciation of culture. We will support students in developing academic and linguistic proficiency in two languages with a cross cultural understanding, develop marketable skills for competitive jobs, and provide additional college opportunities.
During the high school years, students in the Dual Language program have several options to continue their study of Spanish at an advanced level in preparation for college programs. Kuna High School offers several courses in partnership with local colleges and universities to prepare students for college courses of study such as Spanish, World Languages, International Studies, Cultural Studies or other majors. Students can take the Dual Language sequence of classes in addition to another career pathway such as agriculture, business, health care or STEM subjects. By continuing in the Dual Language suggested course sequences, students in the Dual Language program can have up to one semester of college completed before graduation from high school. Kuna School District has worked closely with local universities to make sure courses align to general education and other degree requirements at Idaho’s public colleges and universities. Many students in the Dual Language program are able to have several college Spanish courses waived by taking the college CLEP test for Spanish.
The Dual Language Parent Booster Club and the Multicultural Club hope to sponsor a senior over-the-border trip to immerse students in a Spanish-speaking culture. Students are also encouraged to take other foreign languages as electives at the high school level to expand their repertoire of languages. The high school offers elective courses in French and German, and other languages are available utilizing online courses through Idaho Digital Learning Academy. The chart below shows which core classes are taught in Spanish in high school as well as other suggested electives and extracurricular clubs. Courses coded as (DC) indicate they are offered for dual credit in partnership with an Idaho college or university:
Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Global Connections - Semester CourseUS History 1 - Semester Course(Required Core Social Studies Course)US History 2 - Year Long(Required Core Social Studies Course)Government - Year Long(Required Core Social Studies Course)Depending on Proficiency Level:
Spanish 4 (DC)
Spanish 5 (DC)
(These year long courses count as electives and a required humanity credit)Depending on Proficiency Level:
Spanish 5 (DC)
(These year long courses count as electives and a required humanity credit)*We are working on developing Dual Credit elective courses in partnership with local universities that will engage students in using Spanish Literacy skills.
Multicultural Club Multicultural Club Multicultural Club Multicultural Club Additional Options:
Add a third language and study French or German in high school years.
Translator certification course through Health and Welfare (Sat) Work Study for Credit in Bilingual Setting (elective credit) Senior Trip sponsored by Parent Booster Club