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Enrollment / Choice

Synergy Middle School, housed within Fremont Middle School, provides a Personalized, Individually-Paced, Experiential Learning environment that tailors each student’s day according to need, so every day is a new day!
- Students in grades 6-8 work on several projects throughout each year of learning.
- Every project is centered around real-world concepts, and combines all core subjects (Math, ELA, History, and Science) as well as concepts traditionally taught in electives courses (e.g. career explorations, PE, and art) so that each student’s core learning is unified.
- Learning from one class transfers to the next.
- Each project begins with an Essential Question about the overarching real-world theme.
- Each project ends with a student-created Final Product showcasing your student’s new understandings, and how their learning has connected to form that creation (e.g. artwork, models, 3-D printed work, flowcharts, videos, presentations, campaigns, etc.)
Synergy Middle School also allows for your student to attend electives such as Band and Orchestra, Choir, Art, PE, Career Explorations, Spanish, French, and more. Often, electives will be embedded into the core Synergy projects, further tying learning together for your student.
At Synergy Middle School, your student will be placed with a Mentor, who will serve as guide, go-to, or safe place when needed. Your student’s mentor will be your connection at SMS to check on grades, assignment completion, and well-being.
We’d love to have your student learn and grow with us from 6th to 8th grade, to help them prepare for high school and life beyond. This type of work prepares students for 21st century careers by teaching them the skills of collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and invention, global awareness, information and technology awareness, and the importance of public presentation. As our students grow with us, we grow with them, and as a team we find how best to support your student for success.