- Kuna School District
- FAQs
Board of Trustees FAQs
All meetings are open to the public. State law permits the Board to go into executive sessions, which are not open to the public, to discuss student, personnel, negotiations, property, or legal matters. No vote on any item may be taken in executive session.
- Regular Meetings - The Kuna School Board of Trustees meets on the second Tuesday of every month in the Support Services Building Conference Room located at 711 E. Porter Road, Kuna, at 6:30 p.m. Locations may change to accomodate patron access to the meeting.
- Special Meetings - These are scheduled when necessary and the Board may or may not take action on items.
Board agendas are posted at the District Office at least 48 hours before a regular meeting and 24 hours before a special meeting.
Speaking to the Board
Meetings of the Board of Trustees follow a standard, published agenda. The Chairman of the Board presides at all meetings. Patrons who wish to comment on agenda items may do so by signing the Public Comment Sheet located at the entrance to the meeting room.
Each board meeting follows the same format: approval of the minutes, review and approval of the consent agenda, discussion and action on special reports, old business, new business, and the Superintendent's report.
When appearing before the Board, please state your name, address, and the item on the agenda you wish to discuss. Public comment on items before the Board is encouraged. The Board's function is decision-making and the sentiments of the patrons assist in making those decisions.
Privacy Law and Employees' Rights
The rights of employees, students and others are protected by various laws and policies. At a public meeting of the Board of Trustees, no person shall orally initiate charges or complaints against students or individual employees of the district.
All complaints, concerns, or challenges regarding a specific school or individual should be registered first at the building level with the appropriate teacher or principal. Experience has shown that this is the best procedure. The Board is the final level of appeal. All concerns, if presented to the Board directly, will be referred back to the building principal or Superintendent for investigation.
Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How do I get an item on the agenda?
A: Contact the Superintendent or the Board Chairman at least seven working days prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
Q: Is there a time limit for patrons addressing the Board?A: Yes. The Board's monthly meeting includes a time for "Delegations" or public comment. How much time a speaker is allowed is at discretion of the Board Chairman. Individuals sign up to talk about the same topic may be asked to assign a representative to speak for them. Patrons are encourage to also submit written comments to the clerk.
Q. Will the Board answer questions during delegation or public comment?
A. No. This time is set aside for the Board to listen. It is not a question and answer session. Patrons with questions are encouraged to contact the district administrator or their trustee.
Q: I am having a problem with my child's teacher. Can I call the Board?A: Yes, but your Trustee will refer you back to the building principal or a district administrator. It is our policy to try and resolve issues at the school level.
Q: Does the Board get involved in the day-to-day operations of schools?A: Yes and no. The Board sets the policies that guide daily operations. Principals and district administrators manage day-to-day operations.
Q: I'd like to serve on a district committee to help guide the Board. What should I do?A: Look for invitations to volunteer to be considered for service on a committeee that may be formed. These invitations will be reported in the district's newsletter to families which is emailed and texted each Friday. The year's newsletters are archived on our website here.
Q: I can't attend Board meetings but would like to share my ideas and opinions. What can I do?A: Attending a Board meeting is just one of the ways you can get involved. You can call the District Office and leave a message for the Board, send an e-mail message, write a letter, or call your Trustee.