• Facilities Plan

    Faced with the prospect of rapid growth, the district convened a community committee to identify needs and help shape a proactive #KSDGrowingforward plan.

    In 2017, Kuna School Board approved a 10-year plan to:
    • Address community priorities for student learning with an annual supplemental levy (levy for learning) renewed every two years
    • Create space for future new students with bonds (bonds for buildings) about every three to four years
    • Harness growth to fund school growth and keep the tax rate stable and predictable

    A Capital Plan Task Force convened in January 2022 is reviewing the the district's needs and growth and update our plan. 

    We appreciate that our community has supported this plan through the passage of bonds and levies. 
    This plan has provided much needed funding to support our growing school district.

    Each month, we report to the Kuna Board of Trustees the various projects under way in the district.

    Patrons can review all the details in our "Project Tracker." 


    Review the 2017-2027 Facilities Plan (Note: This is a 84-page, 25 MB document.) 

    The plan was developed using an "Enrollment Modeling Tool" to estimate the impact of low, medium, and high population growth in our community.