
      • Students, be sure to keep a check on your Schoology Dual Enrollment Messages for any additional information or updates from Mrs. Holland or Mrs. Cox.


      Course Options

      • Academic Opportunities

      • Career Tech Courses

      Library Resources

      • The Learning Resources Centers (LRC) System provides various library resources for students, instructors, and staff members to support College coursework, community and corporate education, and lifelong learning.

        Library services including print format books, e-books, databases and reference assistance are provided at both campus locations, off-campus dual enrollment sites, and online through the College Web Site.

        The LRC (library) staff can be contacted through the 
        Ask A Librarian link at

        Library Desk Telephone at (334)-556-2217

        Please let the library staff assist you with your research!

        More information about the LRC can be read about in this PDF document:  LRC PDF



      • WCC Orientation Videos
      • Dual Enrollment Slideshow

      Contact Us with Questions!

      • Madison Cox - Career Coach

      • Tonya Holland - Career Coach