• We will be assessing each student in Math and Reading skills during the first two weeks to determine specific strengths and weaknesses and periodically throughout the year through formal and informal testing.  This will help us guide each student’s needs throughout the year.  


     Some of the skills we will work on are:

    •      Recognize groups of objects (sets of 5, 10)
    •      Skip counting by 2, 5, 10
    •      Generate numbers greater than or less than a given number
    •      Recite whole numbers 1-120 forward and backward
    •      Addition and subtraction
    •      Identify U.S. coins and their values, and compare
    •      Two-dimensional shapes/three-dimensional solids
    •      Measure objects
    •      Tell time to the hour and half hour
    •      Charts and Graphs


    There will be a reading homework sheet to sign.  Be sure to have your child do the   activities listed and then sign or initial this each day.

    •  Vocabulary/sight words will be sent home to practice, as well as listed on the weekly newsletter. There will be a Vocabulary test on Thursday—they should be able to say the name of the words and also be able to use them in a sentence correctly. These are not spelling words. Although, some of them will be used as spelling words also.
    • There will be a weekly take-home reader as well as a reader that is on your child’s reading level. Please make this time a very special time for your child. Your child’s love of reading is determined by the importance his/her parents/guardians place upon reading.
    • There will also be a rapid word recognition chart and/or other skills that will be reviewed.
    • Library books should be read with your child.  Have them read it and at the beginning of school if it is too hard, read it to them. Be sure to discuss characters, setting, order of events and main idea. This review will help with their reading comprehension.
    • Spelling words should be practiced during the week.  We will have a test on Thursday and Friday. If they make a 100 on Thursday,  they will not need to take the Friday test!
    • We will have a weekly ELA-English Language Arts test each week,  The test will cover comprehension, phonics, grammar and vocabulary. Your child’s attendance is very important.


    • Scientific investigation and reasoning
    • Matter and energy
    • Force, motion, and energy
    • Earth and space
    • Organisms and environments

     Social Studies

    In social studies, the 1st grade curriculum focuses on the study of the student’s relationship to the classroom, the school and the community as a foundation for responsible citizenship.  We begin with students studying about how rules and laws create order in communities.   It is important for students to understand that the classroom is just one of the communities of which they are a citizen and that a variety of communities use rules and laws to provide order.  In the following units, we will study:

    • How the characteristics of good citizenship provides students with a foundational understanding of the responsibilities expected of Americans.  
    • How it is important for students to create and interpret maps to develop spatial reasoning. An examination of the physical and human geographic characteristics of places is important for understanding geographic patterns in the world.   
    • How examining the contributions of historical figures provides students with a foundational understanding of how history is about changes.
    • How studying about traditional celebrations and customs is important for understanding the common values shared by Americans.
    • How an understanding of the nature of goods, services, and scarcity is important for students to comprehend the basics of economics.



    First grade uses the Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and CHAMPS which are both programs designed to reinforce and encourage positive behavior. Teachers are giving praise, stickers, and stamps for good behavior. While we will be working on stressing positive behaviors, students will receive consequences for inappropriate behavior.  

    PBS, or Positive Behavior Support, is a research-based, school-wide system that emphasizes positive behavior interactions and supports for all students. The goal is to ensure that challenging or inappropriate behavior is replaced by positive social skills. Since the program is enacted school-wide, the student expectations are the same throughout the entire school and students understand what they need to do.

    CHAMPS is the portion of PBS that is a proactive and positive method of classroom organization. This acronym is a way of reminding the student and teacher of the expected behavior during an activity.

    Conversation-What is the appropriate conversation level during the classroom activity? (No talking, quiet conversation with work group about activity, etc.)

    Help-What is the appropriate way the student can ask for help during the activity? (Raise hand, place red cup on top of cup stack, etc)

    Activity- What will be different or needed and how long will it take? (Students will need a pencil and their homework on the desk in 45 seconds to grade, etc)

    Movement- Can students get out of their seats during the activity? (Students can get tissue without raising hands, students must raise their hands to ask to leave their seats, etc)

    Participation-How will students show they are fully taking part in the activity? (Students will be writing, students will be working on lab/project, etc.)


    *A daily conduct calendar will be in their bee folder. If it is not marked, there were no problems. The number will let you know the rule that was broken. Please discuss your child’s conduct with them. Please initial daily that you reviewed the conduct page.  I am using the Bloomz Communication App to stay in touch with parents so they will know how their child's day went, whether good or bad.


    Birthdays can be celebrated.  Summer birthdays may also be celebrated as an unbirthday.  Please let me know ahead of time if you will be sending cupcakes or cookies. We may need to readjust our schedule, which is fine!


    Our lunch time is at 12:00-12:50.   Please meet us at the cafeteria when you come to eat with your child.


    Please be sure your child is at school and on time. It is so important that they do not miss instruction if it can be avoided. We want to earn our attendance letter each day for a popcorn party! Half-day doctor or dentist appointments are usually better so your child does not have to miss the entire day of instruction. If there will be an extended absence, please let your teacher and the office know.

    *Tardy bell rings at 7:50  Your child will need to be in the classroom before the bell rings.

    *If students leave before 3:25, be sure they have a doctor/dentist note. Early outs will be noted and counted as a tardy. Pickups/bus riders will be dismissed at 3:25.


    We are asking parents to help provide healthy snacks for your child’s class. If you would like to help, please let the me know and she will contact you.


    We are allowed two parent parties. These have been designated as Christmas and the end of school party. We get to have sugary goodies at both of these parties, as well as, Valentine’s Day. We can have refreshments at other times, but these are to be healthy snacks. Parents will be invited to a planning meeting.


    Please send all money in the  zipper bag in your child’s BEE folder!

    Please LABEL with name, amount and purpose of the money. The folders will be checked daily for any money or notes from parents.


    Please feel free to give us a call at 936-298-2114 or email us at our school e-mail if you have questions. Our conference time is from 9:15-10:00 a.m.

    We are going to have a wonderful year. We want to say thank you ahead of time for all of the hard work you invest in your child’s education.