
  • Hardin ISD supports high quality prekindergarten that is developmentally appropriate, multisensory and experiential. Young children thrive when provided a learning environment that inspires curiosity, builds confidence and fosters a love of learning. 

    Children are "ready" for school when families, schools, and communities work together to ensure they enter school with strong foundational knowledge and skills across 5 primary domains of development. Although separate, these domains are interconnected and development in one area reinforces development in the other.  

    The primary domains of development are:

    • Physical – Gross and Fine Motor
    • Literacy – Reading and Writing
    • Mathematical – Concepts and Thinking
    • Language and Communication
    • Health and Wellness

    In order to provide high quality early childhood education that is focused on the unique needs of each child, student progress monitoring and kindergarten readiness should be measured across multiple domains of development.


    Find additional information on the TEA Early Childhood Website