ScholarChip Celebrates Hamilton County School District

Smart Card Services Make Schools Safer, More Secure, Operations More Efficient

NEW YORK, N.Y., October 19, 2016 —ScholarChip®, the largest provider of smart ID cards for K-12 schools, is celebrating the Hamilton County, Fla. School District for making their schools safer, more secure and increasing their operations efficiency. The district currently uses smart cards to monitor bus ridership, provide secure door access, and automatic point-of-sale (POS) services in the cafeteria. Also, the district will be incorporating classroom attendance, large group attendance for testing (i.e. college entrance exams), dances or sporting events, as well as enhancing their current visitor management services.

“Making sure that students have the safest school environment is a priority for districts throughout the U.S., and it’s refreshing to see a rural community like Hamilton County on the cutting edge,” said Maged Atiya, PhD, ScholarChip CEO/CTO. “We’re celebrating them by choosing to create a case study based on all the positive benefits they’re receiving in terms of safety, security, and administrative time and cost savings.”

Case studies typically tell a story about how a school is using a particular technology to benefit students, teachers, parents, and administrators. ScholarChip’s will focus on Hamilton County in these areas:

  • TRANSPORTATION—when students tap their smart cards on the bus reader, they are counted as present on that bus. This automated process makes it easy for bus drivers, and especially substitutes, to know when they have the correct number of students on and off their buses, an important daily procedure. Also, transportation funding is based on bus ridership; this process is more accurate and streamlines reporting to state authorities, which saves administrative time.

  • SECURE DOOR ACCESS—teachers and staff are required to tap their cards to gain access to the campus and a particular building, and the information gathered lets administrators know how often a particular gate or door is used, when it opens and closes, and who is passing through. Next year, student access will be integrated with class schedules, so kids will be allowed only in their own building at particular times of the day. These services keep school buildings safer, more secure, and can reducing bullying, especially when each grade is separate.

  • POS—when going through the cafeteria line, smart cards are swiped for purchases, making the process extremely efficient. Free and reduced lunch reporting to the state is an essential task; this makes it accurate and easy. Also, staff can see what food is being purchased, which saves time and helps with meal and inventory planning.

  • CLASSROOM ATTENDANCE—soon, students will tap their cards in a classroom at the beginning of each period; administrators will know which students are in a building, accurately and in real time, which is vital information needed in the event of a lockdown. This efficient process will also give teachers more time to teach instead of focus on clerical tasks.

  • LARGE GROUP ATTENDANCE—kiosks will be placed at the entrance to the testing room, gymnasium or auditorium, and students can be easily counted for events like exams, dances or sporting events. Because the information is automated, it is available instantly and can be provided to police personnel in the event of an emergency, which gives parents peace of mind.

  • VISITOR AND VOLUNTEER MANAGEMENT—the district is enhancing its current standalone visitor management procedures to integrate with ScholarChip’s services to automate the process more efficiently. The system scans driver’s license barcodes for identity and checks sex offender databases for a possible match before any visitor or volunteer is allowed into a building. When they are issued an ID card, the system automatically clocks the time they check in and how long they stay, which also keeps Hamilton County schools more secure.

  • PROGRAM INTEGRATION— one of the most important aspects of this implementation is that Hamilton County Schools has integrated each of these services into an entire system. There are vendors who make standalone products that typically don’t communicate with each other. Because ScholarChip’s services are modular, the entire system is integrated, and data is collected in real time. When needs change, Hamilton administrators can implement additional services like hallway monitoring, behavior management, and others, quickly, easily, and cost effectively.

“Knowing that our schools are safer gives administrators, teachers, parents and students peace of mind, which is essential to creating a positive learning environment,” said Thomas P. Moffses, Jr., superintendent, Hamilton County School District. “And the modular approach makes the entire system work more efficiently and more affordably. I’m looking forward to working with ScholarChip on their case study.”

About ScholarChip

ScholarChip is the largest provider of smart ID cards used for attendance, payment processing, visitor management, secure door access, and behavior management services in K12. It was first to market in centralizing and integrating School Safety and Operations System with a true one card solution, which operates seamlessly with popular Student Information Systems and NFC mobile devices. ScholarChip's Higher Education services include Tuition Payment Plans, Loan Servicing, Student Retention Services, and a compliant Payment Gateway. For more information visit

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Nancy Napurski
Lionheart Communications
[email protected]