Florida's School Report Cards

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA, 2015), requires every state and district to publish report cards that show how the state, district, and schools are doing with regard to student achievement and success.

Florida’s School Report Cards are now available for your review. For your convenience, you may visit https://edudata.fldoe.org to obtain a copy of the state, district, and school reports. If you need additional information concerning Florida’s School Report Cards, please contact your school’s principal at 386.792.1228 or The Hamilton County District Office at 386.792.7800.

Distrito Escolar del Condado de Hamilton

Notificación de las calificaciones escolares de la Florida


El Acta de Educación Primaria y Secundaria de 1965, según enmendada por el Acta de Todos los Estudiantes Tienen Éxito (ESSA), requiere que cada estado y distrito publiquen las boletas de calificaciones que muestren cómo se están desempeñando el estado, el distrito y las escuelas con respecto al éxito y los logros de los alumnos. La Guía para Padres de las Tarjetas de Calificaciones Estatales y Locales del Secretario DeVos se publica como un recurso para ayudar a los padres y otras partes interesadas a utilizar plenamente la información proporcionada en las tarjetas de calificaciones que se encuentran a continuación. La Guía del Usuario de Inicio Rápido de los Informes Escolares de la Florida está diseñada para ayudar a los padres y al público a navegar por los componentes clave de los informes escolares de la Florida.


Los informes escolares de la Florida ya están disponibles para su revisión. Para su comodidad, visite el enlace a continuación para obtener una copia de los informes estatales, del distrito y de la escuela. Si desea obtener información adicional sobre los Reportes Escolares de Florida, comuníquese con el director de su escuela al 386-792-1228 o la Oficina del distrito de Hamilton al 386-792-7800.

Web Address: https://edudata.fldoe.org

Student Registration

Student Registration

Home Education Program

Volunteer Information



  • Volunteers are needed to assist our schools and departments in a variety of areas. We appreciate the willingness of individuals to provide assistance when it is requested.
  • All volunteers are required to adhere to School Board Policy 3.13, which addresses the responsibilities of school volunteers. Volunteers are to be on campus only when the administrator or a member of the instructional staff assigns them duties. In addition, volunteers are required to sign in/out when they are serving at the schools. The policy can be accessed by visiting our School Board page.
  • Submit the Volunteer Application and the Request for State of Florida Law Enforcement Record Review directly to the Federal Programs office. Upon completion of processing, the information will be forwarded for the School Board's consideration at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Note that the application and record review expire on June 30 each year. If you need additional information or have any questions regarding the volunteer program or the application process, please contact the Federal Programs office at 792-7808.

Volunteer Letter and Application

Bullying Reporting Form

ELL Plan

Student Progression Plan

Reading Pals


ReadingPals is a statewide early literacy initiative that provides volunteer mentors for kindergarten students who may need extra help, utilizing one-on-one or small group settings. ReadingPals offers volunteers an opportunity to build meaningful relationships with young children in Florida, while helping them improve their social-emotional development and early literacy skills.