School Nurse

A Message From Your Child’s School Nurse

You have to be healthy to be educated and educated to be healthy!

Good health enhances your student’s ability to learn - school nursing has grown to meet student needs and involves so much more than handing out band-aids and ice packs!  Our goal is to address the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of our students in order to support their achievement throughout their educational career.

We support health and learning by performing a variety of duties including: assessing the health needs of students; providing direct/routine student care; providing emergency care for students and staff; maintaining emergency equipment; overseeing medication administration, healthcare procedures, and the development of healthcare plans; actively participating in school safety plans that address the potential for emergencies that may occur at school; providing in-service training for staff and students; maintaining student health and immunization records; managing communicable diseases;  assessing the school environment as to prevent injury and ensure safety; conducting mandatory health screenings; serving as consultants for other school professionals such as food service personnel, teachers, coaches, counselors; and serving as a liaison between school personnel, family, and community healthcare providers to ensure a healthy school environment.

In an effort to provide the all-around best care possible, as well as keep your child's school health records up to date, it is beneficial for you to contact the school nurse with any new medical concerns (injuries, surgeries, updated immunizations, diagnoses, medication changes, etc.) throughout the school year.  Please contact your child's school nurse each year with updates or notification of any health condition requiring regular care/treatment during school hours or anything that may cause frequent interruptions to your child's school day.

REMINDER: Your physician's office does not automatically communicate with the school nurse.  You can request that records from your visit be faxed, or you may bring/send in a copy of the records you received following your appointment.

Nicole Turner,

Primary School Nurse

Sara Crane,

Intermediate School Nurse

Casey Brown,

Middle/High School Nurse

[email protected]

573-696-5512 ext. 6040

(573) 696-1605 (fax)

[email protected]

573-696-5512 ext.5030

(573) 696-1605 (fax)

[email protected]

573-696-5512 ext.1320

(573) 696-1605 (fax)

 Student Immunization Requirements

Immunization requirements are determined by the State of Missouri.  Students are required to receive immunizations, according to the schedule(s) listed below, and documentation of up-to-date immunizations must be submitted to your child’s school nurse PRIOR to attending school on his/her first day.  If you have any questions, or if you need a copy of your child’s current shot record on file with the school, please contact the nurse in his/her building.   

State of MO Immunization Requirements

Timelines for Childhood Immunization Updates

All students, regardless of grade level, must be up-to-date on their vaccinations prior to starting school each year (see links provided above).  

  • All new/incoming preschool and kindergarten students must be up-to-date.

  • Students entering 8th grade are required to have updated Tdap (Tetanus) and MCV (Meningococcal) vaccines.

  • Students entering 12th grade are required to have two doses of the MCV (Meningococcal) vaccine.  Note: If the first dose was administered after the student’s 16th birthday, only one dose is required.

Columbia/Boone County Public Health & Human Services

Student Illness

District policy requires students to be seen by the school nurse prior to being sent home due to illness.  However, many students use their cell phones during class time to contact a parent, saying they need to be picked up.  Please be advised that unless you (or someone you’ve listed as an emergency contact) have spoken with the school nurse, it is unlikely the request for your child to be picked up due to illness came from the nurse’s office.  

REMINDER: If your child will be absent from school, please contact your child’s building secretary.  

Returning to School After an Illness

It is Hallsville R-IV School District's intent to offer a safe and healthy environment for our students. Therefore, some illnesses may require your child to be absent in order to prevent the spread of disease, as well as allow time for treatment, rest, and recovery. Your child may return to school using the following guidelines:

  • Fever: Fever free (99 F or below) for 24 hours, WITHOUT the use of fever-reducing medication

  • Diarrhea/Vomiting: 24 hours without vomiting or diarrhea

  • Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis): 24 hours after beginning antibiotic treatment and eyes are free of discharge

  • Strep Throat: 24 hours after beginning antibiotic treatment and no fever for 24 hours

  • Ringworm: May return when it is treated with medication; please keep covered until area(s) heal

  • Rashes, Impetigo, Staph, etc: These must be treated by a physician and a copy of the physician's release provided to the school nurse. The affected area(s) should remain completely covered during the course of treatment.

  • Head Lice: If your child has an active case of head lice, treatment is expected to begin immediately.

  • Communicable Diseases: Influenza, chicken pox, measles, mumps, mono, whooping cough, hand-foot-and-mouth, etc. are highly contagious diseases and are reportable to the County Health Department. The State of Missouri sets the amount of time that must be missed from school, and your child's doctor should be aware of these restrictions. Your child may return to school after he/she has met the State of Missouri requirement.

If a student begins having any symptoms during the school day, the school nurse will assess your child and decide if he/she is well enough to remain at school. If necessary, a parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the child from school. Guidelines for returning to school after an illness (see above) should be followed when deciding whether or not your child may return to school.  

Health Forms

Medications: In an effort to protect the safety of ALL students, as well as prevent theft or loss of medication, students are not allowed to carry OR have in their possession, ANY type of medication (prescription or over-the-counter).  All medications should be given at home when possible.  Any medication prescribed to be taken during school hours must be immediately delivered to the nurse's office upon entering the school building or should be brought in by a parent/guardian and dropped off with the nurse.  All medication, regardless of type, requires parental consent and must be supplied in an up-to-date original/labeled container. The school nurse will administer prescription medication as directed by the physician’s order listed on the pharmacy label.  Over-the-counter medications will be administered as directed by the manufacturer and will be dispensed at the discretion of the nurse. The school nurse has the right to refuse the administration of any medication.

Authorization to Administer Medication Form

Emergency Action Plans:  An annual "Emergency Action Plan" (signed by a physician) must be given to your child's school nurse for any of the following diagnoses: life-threatening allergies, asthma, diabetes, and/or seizure disorder.  For a copy of this form, please follow the link provided below, or contact your physician's office.

Severe Allergy Action Plan 

Asthma Action Plan
Diabetes Action Plan

Seizure Action Plan

OPAA Food Substitution Form:  In the event of a diagnosed allergy, the district must have the diagnosis signed by a physician and kept on file with OPAA and the district.  A student may have intolerances to a food, however, school breakfast and lunches will not be altered without a diagnosed allergy.

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