(818)248-8114 (24 hour mailbox) or (818)249-5871(Main Office during school hours)
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If your student must leave during the day for any reason, (medical/ dental appointments, family emergencies, etc.) please call the attendance number in advance with the student’s name, time she/he needs to leave, reason, and whether or not he/she will return to school that day. Please call either the evening before or early in the morning of the actual day.
All students must have a "Permit to Leave School" pass to leave during school hours. This includes all appointments, emergencies, etc. Please remind your student to pick up his/her pass at the Attendance Office prior to leaving. Students who do not check out properly may receive a truancy ticket or a referral to the Assistant Principals' Office. We encourage students to come pick up their pass before school, at Snack, or at Lunch, not during class time. In order to minimize disruptions to classroom instruction, the Attendance Office does not send reminder notices to students. It is the student’s responsibility to come get the permit to leave school and leave at the appropriate time. Students who leave school without checking out through the office are considered truant for the time they miss class.