Absence Reporting

    (818)248-8114(24 hour mailbox) or (818)249-5871(Main Office during school hours)

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    Attendance is critical for student success at Crescenta Valley High School. When a student is absent, regardless of the reason, it is the parent or guardian’s responsibility to call the Attendance Office at (818)248-8114. This number is in operation twenty-four hours a day, including holidays and weekends. It is very important to excuse your child’s absences promptly. The state of California Educational Code states that the parent should call to report the absence the same day but the law extends to the next school day. (Law – 5 CCR Section 306)

    We have extended the limit to three days to allow parents a little more time to clear absences. Please do NOT send notes. Only phone calls are accepted to excuse absences.

    When you call (818)248-8114, you will hear a recorded message. Upon completion of the recording, please respond with the following information:

    • Student’s legal name (spell), grade, and ID #
    • Your name
    • Your relationship to the student
    • Date of and reason for the absence

    Only parents or guardians may verify absences or have students released from school. If you are planning a business trip or have a family emergency, please contact the school and provide written information regarding who will be authorized to act on your behalf for attendance issues.


    Excused Absences vs Unexcused Absences

    Absences are either excused or unexcused.  Students absent with an excused absence have the opportunity to make up missed work and earn credit.  Students with an unexcused absence or truancy should also make up missed work, but they may not be able to earn credit for work missed while absent, at the teacher’s discretion.  Per Board Policy 6154, Students who are absent from school shall be given the opportunity to complete all assignments and tests that can be reasonably provided. As determined by the teacher, the assignments and tests shall be equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the assignments and tests missed during the absence. Please see  Administrative Regulation 5113 for more details.