- Glendale Unified School District - Glendale, California USA
- Frequently Asked Questions
Dual Language Immersion
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are Glendale Unified School District (GUSD) Dual Language Immersion programs?
Our dual language immersion 90:10 and 50:50 programs provide students an opportunity to learn two languages starting in kindergarten. The goal of Glendale Unified's dual immersion programs is to develop high levels of language proficiency and literacy in both English and the target language. Currently, Glendale Unified School District offers seven dual immersion language programs for incoming kindergartners: Armenian, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, and Spanish. All dual immersion programs fulfill Glendale Unified School District's requirements for promotion and graduation.
What is a target language?
Target language refers to the foreign language of instruction that students are learning. The percentage of time spent in the target language depends on the language and program. French, German, Italian, and Spanish programs follow a 90:10 model and Armenian, Japanese, and Korean programs follow a 50:50 model.
Does my child need to speak another language to apply to a Dual Language Immersion program?
Proficiency in the target language is not required for kindergarten applicants. If your child can produce the target language of instruction (i.e. Italian, French, German, Japanese, etc.), he/she may be eligible for a language assessment. Applicants applying for a program after kindergarten should be proficient in the target language. Additional language assessments may be required to determine eligibility.
How many program choices may I select?
Applicants may select between one to three program choices. If applying to more than one program, please indicate them in priority order.
How long will my child be enrolled in a Dual Language Immersion program?
To achieve the goal of bilingualism and biliteracy, students are expected to stay enrolled in a dual language immersion program, at minimum, throughout elementary school. Currently, all programs are available through elementary school, and students have the opportunity to continue learning the target language in middle and high school.
Who may apply to a Dual Language Immersion Program?
Applicants eligible for enrollment in a Glendale Unified school may apply to any dual immersion program. Applicants who reside outside of the Glendale Unified School District boundaries may also apply to a dual language immersion program but will be required to obtain additional release and acceptance paperwork if selected for a dual immersion program. Some grade level restrictions apply. Residency proof requirements do not apply to homeless students who are eligible for enrollment as determined by the Homeless Education Liaison at (818) 241-3111 x1283. All eligible applicants receive equal consideration according to the district's selection priorities.
Do siblings of currently enrolled students in a Dual Language Immersion program get priority in the application process?
Applicants seeking placement at a school in which a currently enrolled sibling is attending and will continue to attend in the upcoming school year will have priority over applicants without siblings. In-district resident siblings will have priority over out-of-district siblings. The sibling must live in the same household and have at least one parent/guardian in common.
What if I have twins (or multiples) who are applying to a program?
Submit an application for each child. On the application, indicate that your child is a twin (or multiple) and include the name(s) of the sibling(s).
Do applicants who reside within the boundaries of Glendale Unified have priority over applicants who reside outside the district boundaries?
Applicants are selected through a centralized random selection process according to district-approved priorities. Applicants residing within the Glendale Unified School District boundaries have priority over applicants residing outside of district boundaries; however, Glendale Unified residence does not guarantee new applicants admission to a dual language immersion program.
If I'm currently on a waiting list for a Dual Language Immersion program, do I need to re-apply for the upcoming school year?
The current waiting lists expire before the new application window opens. All students seeking admission to a dual language immersion program for the upcoming school year must apply.
Is there a limit to the number of programs for which I can apply?
Applicants may indicate up to three (3) program choices. Applicants are not required to make more than one choice.
Is there a Dual Language Immersion language assessment?
To maintain an equal distribution of language in a dual language classroom, applicants who indicate they have proficiency in the target language will be eligible for a language assessment. Once an application has been submitted indicating knowledge of the target language, you will be asked to make an appointment to be assessed or will be contacted to schedule a time with an assessor to evaluate your child's level of proficiency. It is highly recommended that should your child be eligible for a language assessment that you submit your application at least one month before the deadline to ensure a testing appointment time.
Are applications approved on a first-come, first-served basis?
All applications which are submitted and completed by the application deadline will be eligible for placement in the random student selection and are not prioritized by the submission date. Applicant selection is determined through this random selection process, according to elementary magnet selection priorities.
How will I know that my application was received?
You will receive a confirmation email verifying that your application has been submitted and you will be able to track the progress of your application status online. The Office of Student Support Services will be contacting you by phone if no e-mail address is provided. If you do not receive a receipt verification email or letter (for those without email) five days before the random student selection, immediately call the Office of Student Support Services at (818) 241-3111 x1283.
What happens if my application is received after the deadline or is not received?
Applications will not be processed for the random student selection without proof of timely submission on or before the application deadline.
May I change my program selection(s) once I have submitted my application?
Only demographic information may be changed on your original application. Any changes in program selection(s) MUST be made by contacting the office of Student Support Services at 818 241-3111 ext. 1283. If more than one application is submitted for a child, only the most recent application will be considered for the random selection; all prior applications will be made ineligible.
How and when will I be notified of the Random Student Selection System results?
Results will be emailed to all applicants following the random student selection or called if no email address is provided.
What happens when an offer is accepted?
Once an offer is accepted, the other programs to which you applied will be automatically declined. You may not accept an offer to one program while remaining on the waiting lists of the other programs.
If I do not get accepted to a Dual Language Immersion program, how do I determine my child's "home" school?
Glendale Unified maintains a "Street Finder" shortcut on the district website homepage that can provide you with this information, or you may go directly to the Street Finder page.
May I withdraw my child from a Dual Language Immersion program?
To achieve the goal of bilingualism and biliteracy, students are expected to stay enrolled in a program, at minimum, throughout elementary school. You must meet with school site staff if you decide to withdraw your child from a dual language immersion program and complete a dual language immersion program withdrawal form. Withdrawing from a dual language immersion program does not guarantee enrollment in the English-only program at the same school.
What happens to a student's enrollment status in a Dual Language Immersion program if the family moves outside of the Glendale Unified School District boundaries?
If a student enrolled in a dual language immersion program, moves outside of the district boundaries after being enrolled for a minimum of 6 months, the student must obtain a release from his/her district of residence and an inter-district permit from Glendale Unified School District to maintain enrollment status.
Is transportation provided?
No, each family is responsible for their own transportation to and from school.
How do I get additional information about applying to Glendale Unified School District Dual Language Immersion program?
Additional information is available from the Office of Student Support Services at (818) 241-3111 x1283.