Dual Language Immersion
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Students in the elementary German dual language immersion program spend 90% of their day learning in German and 10% learning in English starting in kindergarten. The percentage of English increases annually until 50% of the day is taught in German and 50% in English by 5th grade. Students learn to speak, read, and write in German through content, not as a separate course of study.
The elementary German program is offered at Franklin Elementary School.
For more information, contact Dr. Nancy Hong, Director, Glendale Unified Dual Language Immersion and Magnet Programs.
Learn More About our Dual Immersion Program by Grade Level
Elementary Dual Immersion Program
The German program follows a 90:10 dual language immersion model in elementary school. Students initially receive instruction in German for 90% of the day and in English for 10% of the day starting in kindergarten. The percentage of English increases annually until 50% of the day is taught in German and 50% in English by 5th grade. The German language is taught both for language acquisition and content instruction.
Careful consideration is given to the selection and planning of the content areas and themes that are taught in German. Dual language immersion classes are taught by fully-credentialed, bilingual teachers who have additional preparation and expertise in teaching German.
Elementary schools offering German: Franklin ES
Middle School Dual Immersion Program
Students who wish to continue in the German dual language immersion program for middle school take a German language arts class as an elective.
Middle schools offering German: Roosevelt MS
High School World Languages
Students who wish to continue their German studies into high school may take German language as an elective. Courses are available through AP German Language. Students are also eligible to take the AP German exam and earn the Seal of Biliteracy in German.
High schools offering German: Crescenta Valley HS