• Department of Multilingual Education

About Our Department


  • Evanggelia Diamantopoulos
    Interim Director of Multilingual Education


    Telephone: 508 626 9171
    Address: 19 Flagg Drive (suite 204), Framingham, MA 01701

Multilingual Programs and Descriptions

Announcements from the Multilingual Dept.

FPS Demographics

  • FPS Demographics in figures and % (as of July 2023):

    • # of students at FPS: 9,275
    • # of English Learners enrolled in FPS Bilingual and SEI Programs: 3,382
    • % of students identified as Emergent Bilingual: ~36.5%
    • # of monitored FELs: 639
    • % Students whose home language is not English: ~59% 
    • # of world languages represented at FPS: 72

    FPS Languages and Demographics

Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Information

  • Palmieri Scholarship 2023 Application Form

    How to collaborate?

    s  Venmo your donation to Genoveffa-Grieci
     b    To donate by check, please contact Gen at jen.grieci@gmail.com for more information.

    Our former Director of Framingham Multilingual Education Department, Gen Grieci, promotes the annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner. The purpose of this scholarship is twofold: to keep her brother, Sal’s, memory alive, and to provide financial assistance to current or former Framingham ESL students who are the first in their families to attend college.

    Scholarships are awarded to deserving students who are planning on attending a two-year or four-year college or certificate program. Through Gen's personal interactions with scholarship recipients, she's learned that this program changes lives in powerful ways.

    For Students: To be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a current  Emergent bilingual student or former English Learner (FLEP) planning on a 2 or 4-year college in September 2023. Download the Application Form HERE!

    Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner  Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner

    Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner  Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner

    Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner  Annual Salvatore Palmieri Memorial Scholarship Dinner