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- District Nurse
- Nutrition Services
- Transportation
CUHSD has implemented a strong academic standards-based educational
program. In addition to core content courses in English, mathematics,
social studies, and science, more than one hundred elective courses are
offered. A range of coursework designed to meet the individual needs and
interests of students to include specialized courses for English
learners (EL), students with disabilities, struggling students,
academically gifted students, migrant students, and students with
interest in a wide variety of vocational areas is available.
Opportunities for participation in extra-curricular programs are
extensive and include ASB, athletics, clubs, choral, band, theater,
Academic Decathlon, Mock Trial, Southwest Academy for Visual and
Performing Arts, MESA – Robotics and Rocketry, and cheerleading. The
range of program options for academic skills development in core content
areas combined with the availability of before and after school
programs, visual and performing arts, and career technical educational
programs provides a balance between cognitive and affective learning.
Important Information about Curriculum