• We are all excited about our important math projects that we are presenting in November and December. Remember--- this is a BIG part of your grade- a double weighted test grade! You will need a: *presentation that lasts at least 5 minutes Title Page Which SCOS objective your important math topic ties into WHY your topic is important Then launch into the the body of your presentation. Tell us ALL about WHAT the math consists of. TEACH us. ENTERTAIN us! *activity that lasts about 10 minutes Your activity is the part of IMPORTANT MATH in which your students will actually learn by getting involved! You choose almost anything for your students to do, but it must REINFORCE THE MATERIAL YOU TEACHING ABOUT. You can choose for the students to do seatwork (textbook, worksheets), play an educational game, work on-line, etc. REMEMBER: if you need copies made, I need the master AT LEAST 2 DAYS IN ADVANCE! Also, if you want your students to work on-line, I must reserve the AR lab IN ADVANCE!!! Your TOTAL Important Math time: about 15 minutes- 20 minutes maximum. I have already seen some of your presentations taking place and I am very excited with the creativity and ingenuity I have witnessed. Please look over some presentations from eighth graders in the past- just go to DOCUMENT MANAGER. THREE THINGS YOU MUST TURN IN AFTER YOU DO YOUR PRESENTATION IN ORDER TO GET CREDIT!!! 1) Your pre-assessment (I'll hand it back to you- you've already filled it out). 2) A lesson summary. This needs to be on notebook paper. This is a short summary. Use the format below: Name Lesson Summary Title Objective: Summary of Presentation: Description of Activity: A sentence or paragraph on each section is sufficient. 3) Post-Assessment- fill it out and on back, write down what YOU did on the project and what YOUR PARTNER did on the project. That's it! Good luck, Mustangs!!!