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- Cam Mullally
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- 6th Grade
- Cam Mullally
- Welcome to Cam Mullally's homepage

Phone: 828-396-2341
Email: cmullally@caldwellschools.com
Degrees and Certifications:
ABJ University of Georgia 1986MA Middle Grades Education ASU 2006
Mr. Cam Mullally
I want to help students discover why they want to enjoy and use mathematics. I try to do this by showing them how I have used math to solve real life problems throughout my life. Student input is really the key. Bring a good attitude into my class and we will try to have fun as we grow intellectually and academically! ALL LESSON PLANS ARE ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM THIS YEAR. I AM NOT USING PLANBOOK AS A METHOD OF COMMUNICATING LESSON PLANS TO STUDENTS OR PARENTS. Students, Parents and Guardians have been invited to Google Classroom.
"People are going to do what they want to do. I just want to make them think a little about WHAT it is that they want." -Cam Mullally
Math Lessons!
Any assignment that is identified as "indicator" or "strategy" can be found at mathlearnnc.sharpschool.com and go to instructional resources and find eighth grade. You can just go my "Useful Links" page and just pop right on over there! You will find many resources that you can use and the specific assignments mentioned.
8th: Big Ideas- great book. bigideasmath.com