• Reading / Literacy / Fluency

  • Strategies for Reading

    SchoolCenter PictureHere are ways to help your child read:

    1. FINGER POINTING-This is where your child puts his/her
    finger under each word as they read the word.

    2.ECHO READING-This is when you read a line or sentence
    and your child repeats the sentence after you.

    3.REREADING-Once your child reads a book, story,
    etc. let him/her read it to you again.

    4.RETELL-After your child has a read the book or story
    at least twice, ask many questions about the story, meaning
    of words, and even the pictures to check for understanding.

  • C.O.P.S.

    C apitalization

    O rder

    P unctuation

    S pelling

    We are teaching our students to use the C.O.P.S method when checking their sentences. It helps them remember to check all of the important parts needed in a good sentence.

  • Fluency Check Example

    The following video clip is an example of how we do fluency checks with your child each week. Please time your child for 1 minute each night and have them read their entire list. Once timer has sounded, you may use numbers at the side to total up their words per minute (wpm). Practice makes all the difference so Please help them with this at home. We have also inserted a sign off sheet in their homework notebook for you to initial each night for fluency practice.

  • Choosing Good Fit Books

    SchoolCenter PictureChoosing a "Good Fit Book" is important to any reader. By using the " I PICK " method, students can ensure they are choosing an appropriate book for their reading level.

    I - Look at the book

    P -urpose / Why do I want to read the book?

    I - nterest / Is the book aobut a topic I am interested in?

    C - omprehend / Do I understand what I am reading?

    K - know words / Can I read most of the words?