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    What is Work-Based Learning?

    Work-based learning includes strategies that allow schools to go beyond the classroom and into the community to develop student competencies. Students are able to consider different careers and industries, learn basic workplace behavior, develop specific skills within an industry, and provide students with opportunities to apply academic and occupational skills in the workplace. Through work-based strategies, students learn how to apply what they are learning in the classroom as they prepare to transition into the world of career opportunities.

    Students have opportunities to experience WBL through: 

    Business partnerships are an important part of CTE and we are always looking for business partnerships for:

    • Career Fairs

    • Guest Speakers

    • Field Trip Partnerships

    • Internship Hosts

    • Advisory Board Members

    Please complete our Guest Speaker Booking Form to help us build our partnerships.

    Benefits for Students

    Some of the benefits of work-based learning for students include:

    • application of classroom learning (both academic and vocational) in real world setting
    • establishment of a clear connection between education and work
    • assessment of their interests, aptitudes, and abilities while learning about the career possibilities available to them--explore possible careers
    • improvement of their post-graduation employment opportunities
    • development and practice of positive work related habits and attitudes including the ability to think critically, solve problems, work in teams, and resolve issues that relate to possible careers
    • assessment and understanding the expectations of the workplace
    • establishment of professional contacts for future employment
    • expansion and refinement of their technical skills
    • participation in authentic, job related tasks
    • observation of the demeanor and procedures of workplace professional
    • development of an increased motivation/appreciation for staying in school and the importance of postsecondary education opportunities both at the community college level and at the university level

    Benefits for Employers

    Some of the benefits of work-based learning for employers include:

    • involvement in the curriculum development process
    • an opportunity to provide community services
    • a pool of skilled and motivated potential future employees
    • improved employee retention
    • reduced training/recruitment costs
    • developmental opportunities for a current workforce
    • development of new projects with student assistance

    Benefits for Schools

    Some of the benefits of work-based learning for schools include the opportunity to:

    • expand the curriculum, learning facilities, and to expose students to state-of-the-art equipment, technology, and techniques
    • meet the needs of diverse student populations
    • individualize instruction for students
    • promote and foster faculty interaction with the business community
    • enhance faculty staff development efforts
    • make education more relevant and valuable to students
    • increase student retention rates in schools
    • reduce overcrowding by utilizing off-campus learning sites
    • provide an alternative to building additional classrooms and laboratories to accommodate growth

    Benefits for the Community

    Some of the benefits of work-based learning for the community include:

    • creating an environment of collaboration and cooperation between the school, the employers, and the community
    • encouraging respect, tolerance, and understanding between different groups
    • contributing to building a more productive local economy
    • fostering confidence in the school system as practical and beneficial results are observable