- William Lenoir Middle
- New Procedures
- William Lenoir Middle
- New Procedures
Visitor Check-In Procedures
- All visitors will be greeted at the inner office door over the intercom to the left of the door.
- If the visitor has a scheduled meeting, please let the receptionist know who the meeting is with and the scheduled time.
- The receptionist will call the person the meeting is with, confirm the meeting, let them know their visitor is here, and admit the visitor to the office reception area.
- All visitors will need to complete the check in procedures on the computer.
- All visitors will be issued a visitor badge that must be worn and visible at all times.
- All visitors will be required to leave a photo ID with the receptionist when checking in. ID’s will be held at the desk until the visitor checks out on the computer and returns the visitor badge. The ID is being held so that we can quickly identify all persons in our building in the event of an emergency.
- After check in procedures are complete, visitors will wait in the office reception area until the person they are meeting with comes to escort them to their meeting location.
- Visitors will be escorted back to the office when the meeting concludes.
- After the meeting, visitors will check out on the computer, return visitor badge, and collect their ID.
- If the visitor is here to eat lunch with a student, the same check-in procedures will be followed except you will go to and from the cafeteria with your student.
Visitors without a Scheduled Meeting
- No visitor will be admitted to the building without a scheduled meeting.
- If a visitor would like to speak to someone, the receptionist will contact the appropriate person and see if they are available to meet.
- If they are available the above procedures will be followed.
- If they are not available to meet immediately the receptionist can schedule a meeting or the visitor may wait in the outer lobby until the person is available.
- Frequently requested forms will be available in the lobby and well as paper if the visitor would like to leave a note for the person they are requesting to meet with.
Visitors that are
County Employees, Law Enforcement, DSS, School Board Members…
- When greeted at the office door, let the receptionist know who you are affiliated with.
- When admitted to the office, please use the Staff sign in/out notebook on the back counter to sign in if you will be leaving the office area for any reason. If you will remain in the office you do not need to sign in.
- Please sign out when you are leaving.
- This log enables us to know who is on campus at all times.
- Please wear your ID badge at all times on campus
Volunteer Check-In Procedures
- All volunteers will be greeted at the inner office door over the intercom to the left of the door.
- Volunteers will let the receptionist know they are here to volunteer and who with.
- Volunteers will complete the check in procedures on the computer.
- Volunteers will be issued a volunteer badge that must be worn and visible at all times.
- Volunteers will be required to leave a photo ID with the receptionist when checking in. ID’s will be held at the desk until the volunteer checks out on the computer and returns the volunteer badge. The ID is being held so that we can quickly identify all persons in our building in the event of an emergency.
- After check in procedures are complete, volunteers may head to the location they will be working in.
- When finished volunteering, return to the office to check out on the computer, return the volunteer badge, and collect ID.
Substitute Check-In Procedures
- Substitutes will sign into Timekeeper and School Check In on office computer.
- Substitutes will be issued a badge and a key to the room they will be in for the day. There will be a log book for substitutes to fill out with their name, who they are subbing for, a cell phone number they can be reached at during the school day, and the number on the back of the badge.
- The substitute badge must be worn and visible at all times.
- Substitutes will return the badge and key to the office at the end of their work day. They will initial their sign in log so all keys are accounted for.
- Substitutes will sign out in Timekeeper and School Check In.
Student Check-Out Procedures
- All visitors to the school will be greeted at the inner office door over the intercom to the left of the door.
- If you are here to check out a student, please let the receptionist know the name of the student.
- A list of check out reasons is available next to the intercom. Please let the receptionist know the reason for checking out so that we can let the student know the correct reason to enter into the computer.
- Please have a seat and wait for your student in the lobby.
- The receptionist will call the students classroom.
- The student will come into the office to complete the check-out procedures on the computer. Students will then exit the office to the lobby and are free to leave.
Student Item and Money Drop Off Procedures
Frequently Requested Paperwork
- Forgotten Items (school work, instruments, lunches, shoes…) can be left on the cart in the lobby.
- Sticky notes and pens will be provided for you to label your students items.
- Money can be dropped in the provided lock box. Envelopes are provided so that you can label who it goes to and what the money is for. (Dance, yearbook, field trip…) The lock box is mounted on the wall near the intercom.
- The receptionist will regularly collect items and let the student know it is here for pick up.
- Forms that are commonly requested will be available in the lobby.
- Labeled file folders with copies will be on the cart for your convenience.
- If the form that you are requesting is not there, please let the receptionist know.
Student Medication or Speak to a Student
- Let the receptionist know what you need to do.
- Student will be called to the office.
- If the student is taking medication, we will give them a cup of water and allow them into the lobby to take medication being administered by a parent or guardian.
- If you need to speak to the student, we will allow them to enter the lobby and readmit them when you are finished.