• What are Encore classes?

    Posted by:

    These are classes that are not your core classes. Core classes are your math, science, language arts and social studies. Encore classes are kind of like enrichment classes. These include: band, chorus, art, computers, Spanish, CTE (technology), and health sciences. Some students may have CIS (Communities in Schools). You will have two Encore classes each nine weeks and will eventually rotate between all of them by the end of the year. IF you are a band or chorus student, you will have band or chorus all year long and then have just one different Encore class each nine weeks.

    Grade levels do not mix, 6th grade students will always be with sixth grade students.

    Encore classes are also when your regular teachers have their planning time!

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  • I am worried about being bullied.

    Posted by:

    I abhor bullies. Bullies are usually coming from a place of feeling bad about themselves, so they act out on others to make themselves feel better, more powerful. But, in essence, bullies are weak.

    With that being said, if you ever feel like you are being bullied, you MUST let me or another teacher know IMMEDIATELY. Whether, it's on the bus, at your locker, in the bathroom, at lunch, in class, in the hallway - wherever. If we don't know about it, we can't fix it. And, once we know about it, I can promise you that it will be addressed.

    Letting someone know is not telling or tattling or ratting someone out, it is taking care of yourself and your friends, it is standing strong for yourself and your friends.

    Whether it's happening to you or your friend, or you just witness it happening to someone you don't know, PLEASE let a teacher know.

    You can email us, write us a note, have a parent/guardian send us a Talking Points msg or just tell us. 

    Remember, you deserve to come to a school where you feel comfortable, cared about and are able to do your work, without fear of something happening.

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  • Will I be changing classrooms for core classes?

    Posted by:

    Core classes are your science, math, social studies, and language arts classes. Yes, you will change rooms. How many times you change depends on if you are placed on a 2-person, 3-person or 4-person team.

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  • Will our stuff really fit into those lockers?

    Posted by:

    Yes! Actually those lockers can hold a lot more stuff than you think! The key is keeping it organized. If you let your locker get messy, then it is really hard to find the papers and books you need for class.

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  • What is the key to success as a 6th grader?

    Posted by:

    Organization! You now have to keep up with different teachers, different homework, different classes, different requirements!
    Stay organized and it will make your year easier. Use those 3-ring notebooks/folders that you have! Keep your class notes all in one section, your homework that you are working on in another section and your tests/quizzes in another section. Do not throw out your notes or your graded/returned homework - it all can be used to study for quizzes and tests.
    You may even want to get a separate folder to keep in your 3-ring notebook to hold active homework in (homework you are currently working on).

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  • I don't want to admit it, but I am feeling a little bit nervous about being in 6th grade.

    Posted by:

    It's ok to feel a little nervous! This is a new experience for you. But, I think a lot of it is just being excited about a new school year.
    Don't worry - we won't let you get lost! We walk as a class when we change for encore classes (art, music, computers, etc.)
    If you ever have a question or a concern, come talk to us. We can't help you unless we know about it. And, if you don't feel comfortable talking, you can always write us a note or send us an email.

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  • Do I have to change into gym clothes for PE?

    Posted by:

    No, you will wear the clothes you have on. The only thing you must remember is to bring sneakers for PE. It might be a good idea to just keep a pair of sneakers in your locker. That way you don't have to remember to bring them on the days you decide to wear flip-flops or sandals.

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  • What if I don't like a person in my work group?

    Posted by:

    Welcome to middle school! In our class, there probably will be days when you don't like the people you have to work with. The good news is that you will learn how to work with people you don't like. Remember, when I pair you with someone, or assign you to a group, I am not telling you that you have to like those people and become friends with them. What I am telling you is that you will learn how to work with those people to get the job done. We all have to remember to treat each other as we want to be treated. Respect, kindness, consideration, compassion, and fairness go a long way in learning how to work with all kinds of people!

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  • Do I need to buy a lock for my locker?

    Posted by:

    Yes, I would recommend it! That is the best way to ensure that your stuff doesn't get stolen from your locker. You need to be responsible and keep the stuff in your locker secure. Make sure you get only a numeric or an alpha-numeric lock, no key locks allowed. You will have to give your homeroom teacher the combination.  NEVER SHARE YOUR COMBINATION with anyone (except your teacher)! If you do share your combination, it can be hard to get help if items are stolen from your locker, even though we do have cameras in the hallway.

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  • What if I have a question that isn't listed above?

    Posted by:

    Email me your question and I will post it anonymously with a reply!

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