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    Welcome to my webpage!  I am a really big college football fan and my favorite team is the University of Tennessee Volunteers.  I have been teaching at Gamewell Middle School for 21 years and have taught Science and/or for 19 years.  I look forward to working with my new students and their parents to make this an outstanding school year.  My partner teachers are Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. Minton, and Mr. Tamburi.

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    In addition to being a big UT football fan, I am also a fan of the Dallas Cowboys aka America's team.
  • Welcome

    You are looking at the best place in the world to spend a Saturday afternoon.
  • Science

    Welcome to my Science classroom. In Science, we will cover the following topics: -Earth's Atmosphere -Air Pollution -Weather -Systems of the Human Body -Single Celled Organisms -Cells -Heredity/Genetics -Physics.  





    Social Studies

    Social Studies 

    Welcome to my Social Studies classroom.  In Social Studies, we will cover the following topics:  Columbian Exchange, Economic and Government Types, World War 1 and 2, Imperialism,  the Renaissance and Reformation, and the Industrial Revolution.