• Presenting....

    Mrs. Adam's Third Grade

    What’s Happening in Mrs. Adams Class?


              Welcome to the third grade!  I am so excited to work with you and your child this school year.  Please visit our class website to learn about our schedule, upcoming special events, homework help, and ways to help your child study.


    Lunch Time:  12:00-12:25http://www.graduation-invitations-graduation-party.com/images/hollywood-theme-party-clipart-1.jpg

    Connect Schedule: 9:05-9:50

    Monday – PE (Don’t forget your tennis shoes!)

    Tuesday - Art

    Wednesday – Drama

    Thursday – P.E. , Computers (8:15 – 9:00)

    Friday Music

     Our class will enjoy piano/music theory classes during the second and fourth nine-week periods.

    Upcoming Events:

    August 25 - First day of school!