Phone: 828-396-2341


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Amanda Gruen


Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year at GFMS.  We are all moved in to our new classrooms and are ready to have an awesome year!

This will be my 22nd year here at GFMS! 

In Science class this year we will be covering all kinds of topics.  Earth History, Genetics, Evolution, Forensics, Diseases,  Alternate Energy Sources, Ecosystems, Chemistry, and Biotechnology.   If you ever have any questions about what we are studying in class just contact me anytime.

Students will need basic supplies for class and a one subject notebook that has pockets in it.  The notebook will stay at school unless your child needs to finish an assignment or study for a test.

My planning time is from 10:00-11:20 each day if you need to get a hold of me or you would like a parent/teacher meeting.

Please read the student handbook (there have been many changes).  The students have lockers now and their cell phones have to be in them throughout the day.

Students will be using Google Classroom this year, so please make sure  you and your child check it regularly for information and updates. 

Thanks for everything you do for your students!!!!! 

Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world--Nelson Mandela

  • Supply List

    3 Subject Notebook






    If you want to see your child's Google Classroom,  please contact me and I will invite you to the classroom.