• Beta Club The National Beta Club
    The HRHS chapter of the National Beta Club is an academic honors society. The core values of Beta Club are Achievement, Character, and Leadership. Club members participate in various community service projects throughout the school year. Students with a cumulative GPA of 4.0 and above and a clean discipline record are invited to join each fall semester.
    Membership in National Beta Club is by invitation only. Invitations go out in October of each school year. This club is open to 10th, 11th, and 12th graders only. Any membership fees that are paid to our club incorrectly are non-refundable. 
    Club Supervisors:
    Mrs. Christy Burton  12th grade
    Mrs. Kristi Russell  10th grade 
    Quick Links:
     Beta Club members will be directed on how to join the Beta Club Canvas course. All communication, service projects, and information will be sent out via Canvas. 
Last Modified on September 19, 2022