Parent Documents
Syllabus 2022-2023
This year we will cover topics in earth science, life science, and physical science. There will be many hands-on exciting opportunities to explore the different units. The units will be taught in the following order for 8th grade science:
- Matter & Chemistry
- Energy Conservation & Transfer
- Earth History, Evolution & Genetics
- Microbiology & Biotechnology
- Hydrosphere
- Ecosystems
Additional topics for the Earth & Environmental Science class are:
- Lithosphere
- Astronomy
- Weather
- Additional objectives in the 8th grade topics.
- Binder & dividers (can be shared with other classes)
- 1 composition book
- Science folder
- Pencils
- Colored pencils or markers
- Highlighters
- Headphones/ear buds
If you are absent for any reason, it is your responsibility to check Canvas to obtain your assignment(s), complete it, and turn it in (if applicable). Quizzes and tests need to be made up on the day you return. Please ask me for the test code at the beginning of class.
- Come to class prepared.
- Respect yourself, others, and property.
- Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
- Stay on task for the entire class.
Daily Assignments
Assignments are expected to be completed by the end of class. If it is not finished in the allotted class period, then it should be completed at home and submitted via Canvas or turned in to the teacher the next school day. Careful consideration is given to the amount of time available in class to work vs. how long the assignment should take to be completed. Generally, there is no homework assigned in this class.
Due Dates
Due dates are based on the length of the assignment. Due dates are the end of class unless otherwise stated (projects, etc). If the assignment is Canvas based there is a due date posted in Canvas. There is also a closing date in Canvas which is generally one week after the due date. The closing date then locks the assignment and students are not able to access it any longer.
Missing Work
At times, daily assignments will be chosen to be recorded in Powerschool as completed or missing to give students, myself and parents information about the student’s work habits. Missing assignments negatively affect student grades.
It is expected that students put forth an effort to review concepts and assignments for their own understanding and to study for quizzes and tests. Interactive study tools have been created for students in the forms of Quizlets, Quizizz and/or Blookets. Retakes are allowed on quizzes and tests. However, if no additional time is spent studying, then retakes do not show an improvement in grades.
Assignments are to be submitted on the due date. Only quality tasks that measure mastery of standards are used to calculate students’ grades. These may include knowledge checks, projects, labs, and writing assignments. Daily assignments are designed to help student comprehension of concepts. Even though these assignments are not part of the quarterly grade, my expectation is that the work will be completed. Homework will be limited.
Extra credit: There may be extra credit opportunities on tests or projects. Extra credit is NOT provided to improve the science grade. Please prepare for quizzes and tests by studying beforehand.
Please sign up to get important reminders of upcoming assessments and events on Remind. The link can be found at the top of this page.
Email is the best way to communicate with me. I can be reached at
Academic Honesty Policy (IB requirement)
Below is our IB Academic Honesty Policy. Students will sign this during the first week of school.
H.E. Winkler Middle School students are expected to display honesty at all times. This includes a set of values that promote personal integrity and good practice in learning and assessment. We hold high academic standards and have a strong community to support these standards. Academic honesty is the responsibility of every student, teacher, administrator and parent in our shared decision making system. We will continue to create a safe and respectful environment so that diversity, in all forms, can be celebrated with a socially just system.
Academic Honesty Policy
You are expected to
Personal Skills: be principled, act with integrity, work with confidence and independence, evaluate self, meet deadlines, determine to achieve one’s potential.
Social Skills: be a good communicator, work collaboratively, contribute to a group, be open-minded, acknowledge the work and ideas of group members, and provide peer feedback.
Technical Skills: be knowledgeable and use technology ethically and appropriately to avoid plagiarism: recognize the work and ideas of others, cite and reference text and online sources using citation formats appropriately, include in-text citation and a bibliography/works cited page when necessary.
Academic Honesty Offenses and Actions:
Offenses include but are not limited to: copying of classmates’ work or allowing others to copy your work, allowing parents/guardians to complete assignments, talking/cheating on tests, using calculators improperly, plagiarizing, informing classmates about specific questions and/or answers on an assessment.
Action for First Offense:Administrative conference, parent contact, resubmission of assignment, and disciplinary referral (ODR).
Action for Second Offense: Administrative conference, parent contact, resubmission of assignment, and disciplinary referral (ODR).
Action for Further Offense: Administrative conference, parent contact, resubmission of assignment, and disciplinary referral (ODR).
Homeroom Teacher: _______________________________________
Student Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________