• Couple of reminders-All medication forms are on the CCS website or maybe picked up at school. Medication forms must be completed by a physician and signed by a parent.No medication can be given at school without completed orders. If your child is sick, they must be fever free for 24 hrs before returning to school.

    Diet orders are also available on the website. Please call me if you have questions or need assistance.

    Students all go outside for recess. Please make sure a jacket is available when needed.  Tennis shoes are a safer choice for PE and outside play. 

    Below is some great information on health promotion and wellness.

    Wellness Flyer

    Wellness Flyer Spanish

    My office hours are 8am to 3:30pm.





    Pam Dunbar, RN



Message from Nurse Pam

  •  Fitness Challenge




Last Modified on October 20, 2022