Phone: 704-260-6840


Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Pierce Moore

Hey everyone. My name is Coach Pierce Moore, Athletic Director and Health/PE teacher here at Roberta Road. This is my 6th year teaching, first full year here in Cabarrus County. My family and I moved here from Wake County last year, where I taught at Jay M Robinson for half of the year, and now I'm pumped to be in my role here at Roberta! I've been involved with either playing or coaching almost every sport that you could think of, with my main focus being basketball, having played and coached a little college ball. I'm beyond excited to have the chance to help mold our students both in my classroom duties and in my job as Athletic Director. I feel I can relate to the kids on many levels and I hope to be someone they can rely on throughout their middle school journeys and beyond. I have the most perfect little girl (as pictured above), and my best friend truly is my chocolate lab. My main hobbies include everything sports, watching tv shows and movies with my wife, playing with my daughter and dog, fantasy football, and any activity that allows my competitive nature to come out. Please never hesitate to reach out if you ever need me. Go Raptors!

Last Modified on November 1, 2022