• Exceptional Children's Assistance Center

      • ECAC's Mission: ECAC is a private non-profit parent organization committed to improving the lives and education of ALL children through a special emphasis on children with disabilities.  

        ECAC affirms the right of all individuals, from all backgrounds and cultures, with or without disabilities, to an appropriate education and other needed services.  

        We seek to make that right a reality by providing information, education, outreach, and support to and for families with children across the state of North Carolina.


      The ARC of North Carolina

      • The Arc of North Carolina has been providing advocacy and services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities since 1953. The Arc believes that all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have strengths, abilities and inherent value, are equal before the law, and must be treated with dignity and respect.


      Autism Society of North Carolina - Cabarrus County Chapter

      LD Online

Last Modified on August 16, 2017