Hi Amazing Meadow View Families,
We hope this message finds you and your family healthy and well. We are looking forward to connecting with all of you and partnering for a strong start to the school year. I want you to know that your Bethel team is working really hard to finalize plans for Comprehensive Distance Learning. We are focused on developing strong instructional practices, effective educator-student contact time, meaningful peer-to-peer interactions, predictable schedules and equitable learning opportunities.
I know many of you are eagerly anticipating the first day of school and are wondering what Comprehensive Distance Learning (CDL) will look like for your child.
Here are a few things you can expect during CDL:
- Use of Bethel’s familiar classroom curriculum
- Predictable daily routines and schedules
- Parent info sessions to support their understanding of online learning platforms/use of Seesaw, Google Classroom and Zoom
- Regular student feedback and standards-based grading
- Daily attendance for K-5, attendance taken every class period for 6-8
- K-8 learning activities may include full group instruction, peer interaction, two-way communication, small group breakouts, and/or individual office hours
- Bethel’s draft schedules for K-8 students include daily routines with regularly scheduled instruction and learning activities for all core subjects, “live” daily instruction along with applied learning that can be accessed at flexible times throughout the day
Hopefully the information above provides an idea of what Comprehensive Distance Learning will look like in the fall. A specific hour-by-hour learning schedule on a typical day is still being refined and will be shared as soon as possible. We will eventually get past this pandemic and return to more “normal” schooling. For the moment, we will do our very best for your child and their classmates.
Our fabulous teaching team returns to work the week of August 31st and we will begin reaching out to individual families. Meadow View will plan an opportunity for kids and families to connect with their teachers prior to the start of the school year and begin building relationships. We will also plan for Chromebook distribution.
Stay tuned for more information later this week. We are excited to “see” our Meadow View Wolves and can’t wait for school to begin.
Take care,
Erika and Carmen