Our employees are our most valuable resource in ensuring high-quality services
that support educational excellence
for all students.
We believe in not only hiring outstanding employees, but also in supporting all of our
employees in a positive and
professional manner.
Equal employment opportunity and treatment shall be practiced by the District regardless of actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, cultural background, religion, veterans’ status, genetic information, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, age, socioeconomic status, source of income, familial status, physical characteristic, or linguistic characteristics of a national origin group, and disability if the employee, with or without reasonable accommodation,
is able to perform the essential functions
of the position.
Current District Employees interested in applying for an open position need to notify the District:
Via email: remie.calalang@bethel.k12.or.us
Via letter
Attn: Remie Calalang
4640 Barger Drive
Eugene, OR 97402
Current District Employees are encouraged to update
their application, resume and letters of reference
on file with the District.
(Per contract, substitutes are not considered
in-district employees.)