Summary of December Community Input Meetings
Summary of December Community Input Meetings
The Brighton Central School District held its first Brookside Redevelopment Community Input Meetings on December 8, 2015. Approximately 16 community members participated in the forum.
Superintendent Dr. Kevin McGowan provided some background on the project and explained the decision-making process. Below is a link to the slides presented at the forum:
Brookside Redevelopment Community Input Presentation 12-8-2015
During the forum, the architects from SWBR and engineers from Marathon described the process to develop the first conceptual rendering of the new Brookside School.The site plan above shows Allens Creek in red and the 100 and 500 year rain levels in blue and yellow respectively. Because of the size of the flood plain on the site and the District’s desire to maintain as much green space as possible, it is important for the District to respect the footprint of the redeveloped building. Considering this, the District is contemplating a two-story section of the building that would house classrooms for either first or second grade on the second floor. The following image shows the conceptual layout with one third of the building built with a second floor:
Considering the environmental restraints of the site and the conceptual layout, the team from SWBR unveiled its first rendering of a site plan:Much of the community discussion was related to impact to the Evans Farm Neighborhood. The District is very sensitive to the neighborhood’s concerns and wants to design the site in a way that best mitigates any concerns expressed.
In order to get a sense of the community’s preference for the facade of the building, Dr. McGowan showed four different architectural styles for the community to weigh in on. Cost of the different facades was not considered at this point, as the District is simply trying to get a sense of preference.