
  • Writing is often a road block for students.  Expressing your ideas clearly in words is a challenge.  There are many ways to improve your writing ability:

    Vocabulary study- The most effective communicators and speakers have access to a wide range of vocabulary.  We will build your writing and reading vocabulary throughout the year with many word study techniques.


    Grammar and Conventions- These are more than just the rules for writing.  Grammar and conventions can change what you are trying to say in a sentence.  Students will be engaged in grammar study that applies to their own writing rather than just learning a set of rules.


    Freewrites and Focused Freewrites- In order to jumpstart the critical thinking process, freewrites and focused freewrites allow student writers to explore their ideas in an "ungraded," low stakes setting. Writers can then use their freewrites to further explore a topic or change direction completely.


    Conferencing- Students will meet with teachers regularly to conference about their written work.  At times, they may also get peer feedback.  Conferencing is a great way to begin the revision process.  Once you have exhausted all of your own ideas, feedback will help you to putting the finishing touches on your piece.
