Welcome to the FRES Health Office

  • The nurses at FRES are Kyrstin Blackburn and Ann Clark

    We are responsible for maintaining a health record and immunization status on each student. Routine screenings include hearing and vision, scoliosis and height/weight.

    At French Road School, physical examinations are mandatory per NYS law for all third graders, fifth graders, and for any student new to the Brighton School district. Physical exam forms are available from the Health Office.

    Contacting Us

    • The DIRECT number to speak with a nurse is (585) 242-5140 Ext. 2801
    • The 24 hour Health Office line is (585) 242-5140 Ext. 2801
    • Our FAX number is (585) 242-5156.

    Please feel free to contact us for any health-related questions or concerns related to your child.

    Please note that for your child’s protection, certain serious medical conditions such as seizure disorders, diabetes, and severe allergies are made known in a confidential manner to appropriate staff and to the transportation director.

    Illness or Injury

    In case of illness or injury, a student will be cared for initially by a school nurse who will render first aid treatment. If emergency medical treatment is necessary, the parents will be contacted immediately. If parents are not available, the student may be transported to a hospital. It is critical that parent/guardian telephone numbers are current and on file at the school.

    Krystin Blackburn

    Ann Clark