Frequently asked questions
Below are some answers to questions we get from prospective and current students. Do you have a question that is not answered here? Please let us know at
Is Technology provided for my student?
A new student to the District will be provided with a new chromebook, charger, and if needed, a Hot Spot for students who don't have adequate WiFi. If the student is transferring from a school within the District you should keep any technology that was issued to you from your previous school.
Are sports/electives/extracurricular activities offered at RHS?
Renaissance doesn't provide sports, dances, and all languages/electives on campus. RHS does offer different afterschool clubs throughout the week. A student can attend electives/clubs outside of what is offered at RHS as a shared student at Bremerton High School. Students are also able to participate in sports and attend dances at Bremerton High School.
Can a student attend West Sound Tech or Running Start and go to RHS?
Yes, Advisors work with students to have either an AM or PM schedule to accommodate West Sound Tech or Running Start while still being able to complete needed courses to graduate.
Can a student transfer mid-semester/year?
Yes, a student can transfer to RHS most of the time throughout the school year (May 12th is the last day for new students). However, students do need to be aware that if/when they transfer, they may lose credit from previous school if classes haven't been completed.
What does it take to get accepted at RHS?
A registration packet needs to be completed and reviewed PRIOR to Orientation at Renaissance High School.
Things that may require a longer wait time prior to being accepted to Renaissance are:
- Is your student in Foster Care (needed permission from Social Worker)
- Does your student have an Individual Education Plan? Needs to be reviewed by IEP team prior to acceptance
- Does your student have a Health Condition requiring a full time nurse on campus? Health forms to be reviewed by Nurse
- Are you currently living out of Bremerton School District bounds? Proof of address (water bill or lease agreement) and if you are out of BSD you need a CHOICE TRANSFER from home district. You can do this by calling your Home District's main office and ask about the process to get a Choice Transfer to RHS
Once all of the above have been reviewed and completed the student's family will be contacted to be scheduled for Orientation and a class schedule
What is the schedule at RHS?
We run in-person classes from Monday-Thursday on an A/B schedule (some school work is offered online for after-school work completion opportunities).
We offer 6 classes on Monday-Thursday, however they're split between M/W classes and T/TH classes. We can accommodate an AM/PM schedule based on students' needs.
Does Renaissance High School provide transportation?
RHS students do not ride District School buses. Every student at RHS receives a Kitsap Transit bus pass. If a student is in the 9th grade, we will get permission from a Guardian before giving the student an ORCA card.